Regulations on the Organization and Conduct of

the International video competition "Russia Through Your Lens"

1. General Provisions

1.1.The Regulations on the organization and conduct of the International Video Competition "Russia through your lens" (hereinafter - the Regulations) outline the purpose, objectives, categories of participants, and the procedure for conducting the international video competition "Russia through your lens" (hereinafter - the Competition).
1.2.The purpose of the Competition is to increase the tourist appeal of Russia and develop a strategy for informational positioning of the country in social media and mass media
1.3.The objectives of the Competition are as follows:
  • To identify new destinations for the development of international tourism;
  • To draw attention to tourist attractions in Russia;
  • To promote a positive image of Russia on the international stage through high-quality content;
  • To popularize Russian culture and traditions;
  • To encourage creative self-expression among participants.
1.4.Categories of Competition Participants (hereinafter - Participants):
  • Legal entities and individuals who are citizens of the Russian Federation and have reached the age of 18;
  • Legal entities and individuals who are citizens of foreign countries and have reached the age of 18.
1.5.Participation in the Competition is free of charge.
1.6.The organizer of the Competition is the Center for Strategic Research Foundation (hereinafter - the Organizer): TIN 7706201537, KPP 770301001, PSRN 1027700574461, OKPO 51285783, legal address: 125009, Moscow, Gazetniy pereulok, house 3-5, building 1, floor/room 3/I
Information about the Competition partners (hereinafter referred to as the Partners) is posted
on the official website of the Competition россиятвоимиглазами.рф
(hereinafter referred to as the Site).
1.7.The Competition includes the following nominations:
  • From Kaliningrad to Kamchatka - works demonstrating the greatness and magnificence of Russia's nature. Creators can share their adventures and discover marvelous corners of the country through the camera lens.
  • Cultural heritage - cultural and historical overviews of Russia's landmarks, where creators can show unique architectural monuments, museums, traditions and customs of various regions.
  • Image of the city - overviews of Russian cities, their history, architecture, cultural life and inhabitants' hospitality.
  • Nations of Russia - traditions and customs of Russia's various nations, that reflect the country's ethnic and cultural diversity.
  • Gastronomic traditions - videos covering the richness and diversity of Russia, Russian gastronomy, reviews of traditional dishes.
  • Memorable events - videos about major Russian holidays, festivals and other events.
  • Incredible Russia -
  • For videos showcasing the variety of opportunities for active and sports tourism, unique travel experiences, and pilgrimage routes. Adventure, thrill, and extreme activities – the perfect set for an active traveler in Russia.
  • Professional perspective - this nomination is for editorial teams – those who create news, reports, scientific-popular films, and programs – media professionals. Only a video made by professionals can combine the themes of all competition categories within one minute.
1.8.The terms of the Competition: from the period from ‘24 February 2025’ to ‘12 June 2025’.

2. Procedure and Conditions of the Competition

2.1. Information about the terms and conditions of the Competition is posted on the Website.
2.2. To participate in the Competition, the Participant need to submit an application on the Website (hereinafter – the application):
Fill in the fields of the application, namely:
  • participant's pseudonym for the Competition;
  • contact phone number;
  • email address;
  • links to own social media accounts. The Participant's social media accounts must remain publicly accessible for the entire duration of the Competition.
Provide a Competition entry, which includes:
  • title of the video;
  • video filming date (month and year are sufficient);
  • filming location;
  • nomination for which the video is submitted;
  • brief description of the video;
  • link to the uploaded video.
2.3. Acceptable topics of the Videos:
2.3.1 Travels demonstrating the beauty and grandeur of Russia's nature (for the nomination ‘From Kaliningrad to Kamchatka’);
2.3.2 Cultural sights of Russia (for the nomination ‘Cultural Heritage’);
2.3.3 City Sights (for the nomination ‘Image of the city’);
2.3.4 Life and customs of the peoples of Russia, showing the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country (for the nomination ‘Nations of Russia’);
2.3.5. Reviews of the cuisine of the peoples of Russia (for the nomination ‘Gastronomic Traditions’);
2.3.6 Major holidays, festivals and other events (for the nomination ‘Memorable Events’);
2.3.7. Variety of active and sports recreation, unusual types of tourism, pilgrimages (for the nomination ‘Incredible Russia’);
2.3.8. The nomination for editorial teams – those who create news, reports, scientific-popular films, and programs – media professionals.
Only a video made by professionals can combine the themes of all competition categories within one minute (for the nomination "Professional perspective").
2.4 Technical requirements for videos submitted as part of the Application (hereinafter - Videos):
  • formats: mp4, mov;
  • duration: no more than 60 seconds;
  • video resolution: from 720 p (HD) and higher.
If the video clip exceeds 60 seconds, the Participant must create a shortened version (hereinafter referred to as the Teaser), limited to 60 seconds. It is recommended to place the Teaser before the main Video clip.
The Organizer evaluates only the first 60 seconds of the Video.
2.5. Videos published on the Internet or social networks between March 30, 2019, and May 15, 2025, are eligible. Video clips of the winners of the Competition of previous years and from the Partners/Jury are not accepted.
Participants are obliged to provide accurate and up-to-date information in accordance with the prescribed Application Form.
2.6. By submitting an Application, each Participant confirms that they have read and fully agree with these Regulations and consents to the processing of personal data by the Competition Organizer in accordance in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the objectives of the Competition.
2.7. The data provided by the Participant shall be processed automatically.
The Organizer reserves the right to request confirmation of the data provided by contacting the Participant by e-mail or phone number indicated in the application form.
The Competition Organizer guarantees the confidentiality of the data submitted by the Participant.
2.8 Confirmation of the Application is carried out by sending an SMS message with a confirmation code to the specified phone number. This ensures that the phone number belongs to the Participant (the procedure for providing data is outlined in Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations).
2.9 The copyright for the Videos belongs to the Participant. The Participant shall be liable in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation for infringement of copyrights of third parties admitted during the creation of the Videos, as well as for attribution of authorship (plagiarism) to the Video.
2.10. By submitting an Entry, the Participant confirms that it:
  • meets the requirements set forth in these Regulations;
  • Aligns to the theme and objectives of the Competition;
  • does not contain unethical and/or obscene language/images, erotic and/or pornographic information.
  • does not contain unethical and/or offensive images including with regard to gender, race, nationality, profession, social category, age, language, official state symbols (flags, emblems, anthems), religious symbols, or cultural heritage;
  • does not contain calls to violence, does not propagandize terrorism, extremism, fascism, does not incite interethnic, racial, religious and other discord.
  • does not offend the honour and dignity of other Participants or other persons;
  • does not violate the rights of third parties;
  • does not contain images demonstrating the processes of smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages, containing images of narcotic drugs and plants containing narcotic or psychotropic substances.
2.11. By submitting an Entry, the Participant agrees to the terms and conditions specified in these Regulations, including the requirements for the Competition Works (clauses 2.2. - 2.5. and 2.9.) and the terms and conditions of the licence agreement (non-exclusive license) (Appendix No. 1), the Exclusive Rights Alienation Agreement (Appendix No. 1.1).
This includes consent to the free distribution of their Competition
entry on the Website and third-party resources for promotional purposes without commercial gain, with mandatory attribution to the Participant's name/pseudonym.
2.12. By submitting an Application, the Participant agrees that in case of violation of at least one of the requirements of these Regulations, participation in the Competition will be cancelled.
2.13. Each Participant may submit an unlimited number offers entries for each nomination of the Competition.

3.Competition prizes

3.1. In each of the categories specified in Clause 1.7 of the Regulations, three prize-winning places are established:
3.1.1. Participants in each category of the Competition who secure first place (hereinafter referred to as the "Winners") shall receive a commemorative statuette and a certificate from the Organizer as a prize, with a nominal value not exceeding 4,000 RUB, as well as valuable prizes from Partners engaged by the Organizer, with a nominal value not exceeding 50,000 RUB. The list of prizes from the Partners shall be determined by the Organizer and the Partners during the implementation of the Competition.
3.1.2. Participants who secure second and third places in each category of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the "Prize Winners") shall receive commemorative certificates as prizes.
3.2. The awarding of prizes to the Winners and Prize Winners shall take place as part of the award ceremony in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 5 of the Regulations.

4.Procedure for determining the Winners and Prize winners of the Competition.

4.1. Procedure for determining the Winners and Prize Winners, the Organizer shall establish an expert jury (hereinafter referred to as the "Jury"), which may include representatives of creative professions (such as a professional photographer, artist, cameraman, designer, or specialist in visual solutions), travelers, or representatives of the tourism industry or related fields. The Jury shall be chaired by the Chairperson, who takes into account the results of the voting by each Jury member and signs the final Protocol. The Jury shall consist of no fewer than five members.
4.2. The Winners and Prize Winners shall be determined in two stages:
  • First stage – technical selection of Video Entries (from May 15, 2025, to May 29, 2025, inclusive), after which, on May 30, 2025, the list of Participants admitted to the second stage (hereinafter referred to as the "Shortlist") shall be published on the Website.
  • Second stage - evaluation of short-list by the Competition Jury (up to and "11" June 2025, inclusive)
4.2.1. During the technical selection stage, the Organizer evaluates all received Competition entries for compliance with the requirements of these Regulations.
4.2.2. During the short-listing stage, the Competition entries are evaluated by the Jury of the Competition according to the criteria of artistic value and significance for the tourist promotion of the country.
4.2.3. Criteria for evaluating the Competition entries:
  • overall presentation: direction, originality, visual appeal of the video material;
  • content: detail of information, clarity and simplicity of presentation, literacy and simplicity of presentation, literacy of presentation;
  • camerawork: composition and frame construction, quality and level of editing, light work, etc.
  • Tourist relevance: Ability to engage the viewer and deliver a compelling message about the tourist appeal of the location featured in the video.
4.3. Each member of the Competition Jury shall evaluate the works by expert evaluation on a 10-point scale, taking into account the criteria specified in Clause 4.2.3 of the Competition Rules. The final evaluation of each Participant is formed by summing up the evaluations given by all members of the Competition Jury. The winner of the Competition is the Participant who received the highest number of points and presented the best Competition work in the nomination. Voting is conducted remotely via questionnaires.
4.4. If plagiarism is detected in a Participant's work during the evaluation stage, the Competition work will be withdrawn from the Competition. The Participant who received the highest number of points among the remaining Participants shall be recognized as the Winner/ Prize Winner of the Competition.
4.5. In case of a tie (where multiple Participants receive the same score), the decision to select the Winners/Prize Winners and award them the prizes will be made by simple majority voting among the Competition Jury members.
4.6. The Competition results will be summarised and published on the Website no later than 12 June 2025.

5.Procedure for transferring prizes

5.1. The Winners of each category shall receive their prizes (as specified in Clause 3.1.1 of the Regulations) in person at the award ceremony on June 12, 2025 (Moscow). The Organizer shall provide additional details regarding the venue and time.
The valuable prizes from the Partners shall be awarded to the Winners directly by the Partners at the award ceremony.
The prizes from the Organizer shall be awarded by the Organizer at the award ceremony.
5.2. The Prize Winners of each category shall receive commemorative certificates in electronic or printed form (as specified in Clause 3.1.2 of the Regulations) at the addresses they have additionally provided to the Organizer.

6.Intellectual Property

6.1. At the discretion and upon request of the Organizer, the Winner/Prize Winner must grant the Organizer either a non-exclusive or exclusive license (chosen by the Winner/Prize Winner) to use the Competition Works submitted by Participants for the Competition, in accordance with the terms of these Regulations.
6.2. Within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of publication on the Website of information about the Winners/Prize Winners, the Organizer will send each Winner/Prize Winner a draft Licence Agreement/Agreement on the Transfer of Exclusive Rights (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") to the email address and/or postal address provided by the Winner/Prize Winner to the Organizer’s representatives upon request.
The Winner/Prize Winner is required, within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of receiving the draft Agreement, to sign two copies of the Agreement and send a scanned copy of the signed Agreement to the following email address:, as well as send the Agreement by registered mail or deliver it in person to the Organizer at the following address: 125009, Moscow, Gazetny Lane, Building 3-5, Structure 1, Floor 3/Room I.
6.3. The Organizer is not responsible for the non-receipt of the draft Agreement by the Winner/Prize Winner if:
  • The Winner/Prize Winner provided incorrect contact details;
  • There is an email malfunction on the part of the Winner/Prize Winner;
  • Other circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control occur.

6.4. If the Organizer is unable to contact the Winner/Prize Winner using the contact details provided, and the Winner/Prize Winner does not contact the Organizer within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of publication on the Website of information about the Winners/Prize Winners, or refuses to enter into the Licence Agreement/Agreement on the Transfer of Exclusive Rights, the Organizer shall have the right to select the next Winner/Prize Winner from among the other Participants who received the highest scores.
6.5. For the purpose of entering into the Agreement, Winners/Prize Winners must provide the Organizer with copies and originals (for verification) of the following documents:
6.5.1. For individuals:
  • Passport or other identity document;
  • Pension insurance certificate (for citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN);
  • Bank details for the payment of remuneration for the transfer of exclusive/non-exclusive rights to the Competition Work.
6.5.2. For legal entities:
  • Company name;
  • Primary State Registration Number (OGRN);
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN);
  • Registered address;
  • Bank details for the payment of remuneration for the transfer of exclusive/non-exclusive rights to the Competition Work.

7. Rights and Obligations of Participants and the Organizer

7.1. The Participant has the right to:
7.1.1. Take part in the Competition in accordance with the Regulations.
7.1.2. Receive information on the deadlines and conditions of the Competition.
7.2. The Participant is obliged to:
7.2.1. Comply with the requirements of the Regulations.
7.3. The Organizer has the right to:
7.3.1. Require the Participant to comply with the Regulations.
7.3.2. Refuse any person registration and participation in the Competition if the Participant violates the requirements and conditions of the Regulations, as well as the laws of the Russian Federation.
7.3.3. Refrain from engaging in written negotiations or other communications with Participants, except in cases provided for by these Regulations.
7.3.4. Amend the list of Competition nominations (adjusting the content of nominations and/or changing their number).
7.3.5. Modify the conditions of the Competition or cancel it in accordance with the procedures and deadlines established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Any changes come into effect upon their publication on the Website.
7.3.6. Form and approve the composition of the Jury no later than the completion date of the technical selection of Video Works (in accordance with Clause 4.2 of the Regulations).
7.3.7. Summarise the results of the Competition.
7.3.8. Provide information about the Participant to third parties in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.3.9. Refuse to award a prize to a Participant who has won if it is established that the Participant has failed to comply with the conditions of the Regulations.
7.3.10. Verify the authorship and originality of the Competition Works.
7.3.11. Exercise the preferential right to acquire the rights (exclusive/non-exclusive) to use the Video Works of Participants who take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each nomination of the Competition. The Organizer may, at its discretion, conclude licence agreements for the use of these works (non-exclusive licence) or agreements on the transfer of exclusive rights, with a payment of 1,000 rubles per work.
If the Organizer exercises its right to acquire the exclusive/non-exclusive right to use the Video Works and the Participant refuses to conclude an agreement under these conditions, this shall be considered as the Participant’s refusal to participate in the Competition. In this case, the prize will not be awarded to the Participant, and the Winner/Prize Winner will be the Participant with the next highest score.
7.4. The Organizer is not responsible for delays, failures in conducting the Competition, or any other changes caused by force majeure circumstances.
7.5. The Organizer is not responsible for:
7.5.1. The non-performance (or untimely performance) by Participants of their obligations under the Regulations.
7.5.2. Participants failing to familiarize themselves with these Regulations.
7.5.3. Receiving incomplete and/or incorrect contact and/or other information from Participants necessary for the Competition.
7.5.4. The non-receipt of letters, calls, fax and/or electronic messages from Participants, including due to postal service failures, communication providers, technical issues, and/or internet fraud.

8. Final Provisions of the Competition

8.1. The Regulations for the Competition are published on the Website.
8.2. If changes are made to the Regulations, the Organizer must publish the updated information on the Website within one working day after approval of the changes.
8.3. All actions provided for by the Regulations shall be considered completed and recorded by the Organizer according to Moscow Time (GMT +3 Moscow).
8.4. If any circumstances arise that prevent the Competition from being held, the Organizer shall have the right to temporarily suspend or terminate the Competition.
8.5. The Organizer is not responsible for direct or indirect losses of Participants, inaccuracies, or omissions in the information provided by Participants, technical failures (including breakdowns, malfunctions, errors, deletions) in any telephone network, online system, computer equipment, server, provider, or software, including, but not limited to, any damage or malfunction of the Participant’s computer.
8.6. Clarifications and consultations on issues related to the Competition are available via email at

Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations


Moscow“__” ________ 20_

______________, hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee", on one side, and __________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor", represented by ____________, acting on the basis of ________, on the other side, hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as the "Party", have entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") as follows:

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Licensor undertakes to grant the Licensee the right to use the Work (_____________________) within the limits specified in this Agreement (under a simple (non-exclusive) licence), and the Licensee undertakes to pay the Licensor remuneration for this right.
1.2. The Licensee acquires the right to use the Work in all ways provided for in Article 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, including:
1.2.1. Publicly performing the Work, including broadcasting it on television or radio.
1.2.2. Making the Work publicly available through accounts of the Russian Federation’s tourism brand on accessible social networks, as well as the Licensee’s accounts.
1.2.3. Modifying the Work, including reducing its duration (for the purpose of creating fragments of the Work) for further use of the Work and/or its fragments in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
1.2.4. The right to use the Work under this Agreement is granted to the Licensee for the entire term of the exclusive rights, starting from the date of transfer of the Work to the Licensee.
1.2.5. Demonstration of the Work at international and domestic industry tourism exhibitions.
1.3. The rights granted to the Licensee under this Agreement, as specified in Clause 1.2, apply worldwide.
1.4. The Licensee may use the Work only in the form in which it was provided, except as explicitly stated in Clause 1.2.3.
1.5. The Licensor retains exclusive rights to the Work, including the right to use it independently in any manner and form.
1.6. The rights specified in Clause 1.2 are transferred by the Licensor to the Licensee with the right to sublicense them to third parties, in whole or in part, without the need for prior consent from the Licensor. The Licensee bears full responsibility to the Licensor for the actions of third parties (sub-licensees).
1.7. The Licensor possesses exclusive rights to use the Work on the basis of: _____________________________.
The Licensee is not required to provide reports on the use of the Work under this Agreement.

2. Guarantees and Warranty Obligations

2.1. The Parties guarantee that they have the rights necessary to enter into and fulfil this Agreement. In fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties undertake not to infringe upon the rights of third parties.
2.2. The Licensor guarantees that:
  • At the time of granting the rights to use the Work under this Agreement, the Licensor is the rightful owner of the Work to the extent necessary to fulfil this Agreement.
  • The Licensee shall not be liable for any payments to any person (including the author and/or performer) or organisation in connection with the use of the Work in the ways specified in this Agreement.

3. Agreement Price and Payment Procedure

3.1. The Licensor's remuneration for the rights transferred under this Agreement is 1,000 (one thousand) rubles 00 kopecks, including all taxes and fees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.2. The amount paid to the Licensor is subject to taxation as stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Confidentiality

4.1. The Parties agree to protect the confidentiality of the specific terms of this Agreement, as well as any other documented information marked as "Confidential" by either Party. The Parties shall take all necessary measures to prevent the complete or partial disclosure of such information or access to it by third parties without mutual written consent.
4.2. The confidentiality obligations of the Parties do not apply to publicly available information or to cases where disclosure of certain information is required by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Liability of the Parties

5.1. If either Party violates the provisions of Article 2 of this Agreement, that Party shall compensate the other Party for documented losses incurred.
5.2. If third parties file claims or lawsuits against the Licensee due to alleged violations of their rights related to the copyright or neighbouring rights contained in the Work, the Licensee shall:
  • Inform the Licensor of such claims.
  • Provide the Licensor with an opportunity to participate in resolving such claims and lawsuits.
If these conditions are met, the Licensor shall reimburse the Licensee for all documented losses resulting from such claims or lawsuits, including all costs associated with their resolution.
5.3. If the Agreement does not specify liability for failure to perform or improper performance of obligations, the liability shall be determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.4. If circumstances arise that prevent the Parties, acting with reasonable care, from fulfilling their obligations properly (such as natural disasters, military actions, government decisions that make proper performance of obligations impossible), the deadlines for fulfilling obligations shall be extended for the duration of such circumstances.
5.5. A Party shall be relieved of liability for failure to perform or improper performance of obligations if it proves that proper performance was impossible due to force majeure, provided that it promptly notifies the other Party of such circumstances and their impact on the performance of obligations under this Agreement.

6. Procedure for Amendment and Termination of the Agreement

6.1. All amendments to the Agreement shall be made in writing and signed by authorised representatives of the Parties.
6.2. Early termination of the Agreement is possible by mutual agreement of the Parties or at the initiative of one Party for the reasons specified in the Agreement or as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.3. Each Party has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement out of court if the other Party fails to comply with the terms of Article 2, by providing written notice of its intent to terminate no later than 30 (thirty) days before the intended termination date.
6.4. The Licensor has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement out of court if the Licensee violates the terms regarding the scope or territorial use of rights, by providing written notice of its intent to terminate no later than 30 (thirty) days before the intended termination date.

7. Dispute Resolution Procedure

7.1. All disputes and disagreements arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations and pre-trial dispute resolution.
7.2. A claim must be made in writing and sent to the Party that has violated the terms of the Agreement. The claim must list the violations with reference to the relevant provisions of the Agreement and specify the corrective actions required.
7.3. The period for reviewing claims, notifications, and communications shall not exceed 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement. Correspondence may take the form of letters or telegrams, and in the case of telex, fax, or other electronic messages, the original document must be provided subsequently.
7.4. If disputes cannot be resolved through negotiations, they shall be submitted to the court at the location of the Licensee.

8. Final Provisions

8.1. This Agreement enters into force upon signature by the Parties and remains in effect until the expiration of the term specified in Clause 1.2.4.
8.2. The Licensee may not assign rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the Licensor.
8.3. The Agreement is executed in two copies, each having equal legal force, with one copy for each Party.





Appendix No. 2

to the Regulations

Procedure for Verifying Participant-Provided Data

A confirmation SMS message containing a verification code will be sent to the phone number (_________) provided by the Participant during registration, allowing verification that the number belongs to the user.
  • By providing their phone number, the Participant:
  • Confirms that the data entered is accurate and correct;
  • Confirms that their personal data has been provided to the Organiser knowingly and voluntarily;
  • Consents to maintaining communication via SMS messages and receiving informational mailings (SMS messages) for the purpose of registering on the website to participate in the competition.
  • This consent is granted to ________ (OGRN_______) indefinitely. The Participant has the right to withdraw consent at any time by sending an email to
  • The Participant consents to the processing of the personal data provided under this clause for the purpose of sending the above-mentioned information, including the transfer of relevant information to persons engaged in carrying out the specified actions.
  • The Participant confirms that the registered phone number is their own and, in the event of discontinuing its use, undertakes to inform the above-mentioned parties accordingly.

Appendix No. 1.1 to the Regulations


on the Transfer of Exclusive Rights

Moscow“____” ________ 20_____

______________, hereinafter referred to as the "Prize Winner", on one side, and __________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer", represented by ____________, acting on the basis of ________, on the other side, hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as the "Party", have entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") as follows:


The Parties, taking into account that:
  • The results of intellectual activity that are the subject of this Agreement are not subject to protection documents, the Prize Winner's rights are not subject to state registration, and no applications for such documents or registration have been submitted;
  • This Agreement on the transfer of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity does not require state registration, as the creation, exercise, and protection of copyright do not require the registration of intellectual property results or compliance with any other formalities, have agreed as follows:


1.1. The Prize Winner undertakes to transfer to the Organizer full exclusive rights to ___________________, with a duration of ________, and other characteristics: ______________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Intellectual Property Object/IPO"), in accordance with the procedure set out in this Agreement, and the Organizer undertakes to pay the Prize Winner the remuneration specified in this Agreement.
1.2. The Prize Winner guarantees that they hold the exclusive rights to the IPO. The Prize Winner shall transfer the IPO to the Organizer via email in one of the following formats: _________________.
1.3. The exclusive rights to the IPO shall pass from the Prize Winner to the Organizer at the moment the Agreement is signed by both Parties.


2.1. The remuneration for the Prize Winner for the transfer of exclusive rights to the IPO to the Organizer is 1,000 (one thousand) ro
ubles, including all taxes and fees stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.2. The amount paid to the Prize Winner is subject to taxation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


3.1. The Prize Winner guarantees that:
3.1.1. At the time of signing this Agreement, they are not aware of any third-party rights that may be infringed upon by the transfer of exclusive rights to the IPO under this Agreement.
3.1.2. At the time of signing this Agreement, the exclusive rights to the IPO have not been transferred, pledged, or granted under licence agreements to any other party.
3.1.3. At the time of signing this Agreement, the Prize Winner’s exclusive rights have not been contested in court or through any other lawful means.


4.1. Under this Agreement, the Prize Winner transfers to the Organizer full exclusive rights to the IPO for use in any manner and form, including those listed in Article 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
4.2. The Prize Winner, in accordance with Article 431.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, guarantees the Customer, pursuant to Clause 1 of Article 1265 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right to use the IPO without specifying the author's name, and in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 1266 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of the Organizer to make reductions and additions to the IPO, supplementing it with illustrations, prefaces, epilogues, commentaries, or other explanations and accompanying captions.


5.1. If third parties file claims against the Organizer due to unauthorised use of the IPO, the Organizer is obliged to involve the Prize Winner in resolving these disputes.


6.1. The Parties may terminate this Agreement early by mutual written consent.


7.1. In all matters not covered by this Agreement, the Parties shall be governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. In the event of disagreements and disputes between the Organizer and the Prize Winner under or in connection with this Agreement, the Parties shall make every effort to resolve them through negotiations.
8.2. If disputes cannot be resolved through negotiations, they shall be settled in a court of appropriate jurisdiction.


9.1. This Agreement remains in effect until the Parties have fully fulfilled their obligations.



Prize Winner:


Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations

Procedure for Verifying Participant-Provided Data

A confirmation SMS message containing a verification code will be sent to the phone number (_________) provided by the Participant during registration, allowing verification that the number belongs to the user.
  • By providing their phone number, the Participant:
  • Confirms that the data entered is accurate and correct;
  • Confirms that their personal data has been provided to the Organizer knowingly and voluntarily;
  • Consents to maintaining communication via SMS messages and receiving informational mailings (SMS messages) for the purpose of registering on the website to participate in the competition.
  • This consent is granted to ________ (OGRN_______) indefinitely. The Participant has the right to withdraw consent at any time by sending an email to
  • The Participant consents to the processing of the personal data provided under this clause for the purpose of sending the above-mentioned information, including the transfer of relevant information to persons engaged in carrying out the specified actions.
  • The Participant confirms that the registered phone number is their own and, in the event of discontinuing its use, undertakes to inform the above-mentioned parties accordingly.