on personal data processing
By clicking the button during registration on the website https://россиятвоимиглазами.рф (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), I, in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006, "On Personal Data," freely, voluntarily, and in my own interest, give my consent to the processing of my personal data by the Center for Strategic Research Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "CSR Foundation"): TIN 7706201537, KPP 770301001, PSRN 1027700574461, OKPO 51285783, legal address: 125009, Moscow, Gazetny Pereulok, House 3-5, Building 1, Floor 3, Room I (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator"), for the purpose of my participation in the Competition conducted by the CSR Foundation.
The consent applies to the following actions performed on my personal data using automated and non-automated processing methods: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating (modification), retrieval, use, anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction, as well as transfer (provision or granting access) to third parties, including Competition partners (if any), Competition co-organizers (if any), and other persons based on the Competition Regulations, as well as entities with whom the Operator has agreements, contracts, or other transactions necessary for my participation in the Competition. Personal data shall be provided to third parties only to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of the processing purpose. I also consent to the Operator delegating the processing of my personal data to third parties within the scope of the specified processing purpose.
The list of personal data for which processing consent is given: surname, name and patronymic, date of birth, information about the place of residence, information about the place of work, position, email address, phone numbers, image of the personal data subject, information collected through metric programs, passport/other identity document, pension insurance certificate (for Russian citizens), TIN; bank details.
I consent to the photo and video recording of my participation in the Competition, the processing of such recordings, and their publication and distribution via the Internet, including on the information resources of the Operator, Competition co-organizers, and partners (if any), as well as on the VKontakte and Telegram platforms. Additionally, I consent to the use of such photo and video materials for the purposes of promoting and documenting the Competition.
I agree to receive notifications regarding news, event results, and other information outlined in the Competition Regulations.
This consent remains valid until the processing purpose is achieved or until I submit a written withdrawal request to the Operator at the address specified in this document.
I confirm that I have been informed about the provisions of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006, "On Personal Data," including Article 14, which guarantees my right to request and receive information regarding the processing of my personal data.